Dear friends,
We are today happy to announce that we are going to focus 100% on building this game as the first title of Realspawn Studios.
After spending most of this spring doing market research and talking to experts in the industry from all across the world, we've learned that the best way to bring our unique, carefully crafted concepts and game ideas to as many players as possible, is by fully committing to build and ship this game.
For 5 years, we have been shaping and researching novel game ideas without feeling the need or pressure to ship something we are not 100% happy with. At the same time, building games is what we love and it has always been done part-time. This is what we are going to change now.
This transition means many new things for us, for players and for the game. As of today, we are renaming We Ride to Unyha to highlight our new focus and get a fresh start for everything new to come. Unyha is still going to remain very much like We Ride, but with a much clearer concept and direction of what the game is about, closed game loops and tighter mechanics (more details on all of this later).
Some practical info: - New website - Unyha will be closed-testing only. You all will have testing-access, but new players will need to signup and wait for a spot. - Many new changes are already implemented (character customization and clothing system) which we'd like help tweaking - Next big milestone is September 30 with stress-testing of back-end, content + lineage-system (more details coming).
Cheers, Vik, Ben & Rob!