Skills and Classes<!-- --> | Unyha

Skills and Classes

Skills and Classes


In Unyha, skill progression and class specialization play a crucial role in shaping your character's abilities and playstyle. As you progress within a specific class, your character will qualify for that class, gaining unique bonuses and drawbacks that influence how you approach challenges in the game. The current classes available in Unyha are Mage, Warrior, and Ranger.

Class-Specific Skills

Each class in Unyha has a set of skills unique to its playstyle. These skills determine how your character can interact with the world, engage in combat, and utilize their abilities.

Note: Crafting and utility skills does not affect classes.


  • Skills

    Spellcasting, Meditation, Alchemy

  • Bonuses

    Increased magical damage, faster mana regeneration, passive mana shield ability

  • Drawbacks

    Receives more physical damage, cannot wear armor


  • Skills

    Melee, Healing, Defensive Techniques

  • Bonuses

    Reduced physical damage, can wear any armor

  • Drawbacks

    Cannot cast spells beyond Circle 1, reduced magical resistance


  • Skills

    Archery, Tracking & Survival, Taming

  • Bonuses

    Increased control over tamed pets, can wear leather armor

  • Drawbacks

    Cannot wear plate armor, reduced magical damage

Class Qualification and Progression

As your character advances in specific class skills, they may qualify for that class. Qualification grants certain bonuses and drawbacks that affect your character's overall effectiveness. The more you progress in a class, the more pronounced these effects become.

Class Levels

Your character's class level is determined by their skill points within the class. The maximum natural skill cap is 100 points per skill, resulting in a total of 300 class points and a maximum class level of 3.

Magical Mods

By using magical mods on equipment, you can extend the skill cap beyond the natural limit, allowing your character to reach class level 4.

Unclassified (Power Player)

A player may choose to train all available skills in Unyha to build an extremely versatile character, commonly referred to as Power Players. This playstyle get not class bonuses, but also does not suffer any class drawbacks, making them powerful and unpredictable PVP combatants.


Skill progression and class specialization in Unyha offer players a dynamic and strategic approach to character development. By understanding and leveraging the unique bonuses and drawbacks of each class, players can tailor their playstyle to their preferences and become powerful adventurers in the world of Unyha.

Upadeted July 22, 2024