Playtest complete - Sewers remain infested!<!-- --> | Unyha


Playtest complete - Sewers remain infested!

October 27, 2023

Playtest complete - Sewers remain infested!

Huge thanks to all of you who joined us and helped us explore the sewers! The results were beyond expectations as we got really positive responses on our efforts put into making global improvements from the last 6 months: general polish, UI, performance, stability, graphics and gameplay interactions.

The Living Dungeon System was also a great success. We could see how players were challenged by the ratkin defending their nest and actually no one managed to eradicate the threat as we had hoped. Brimmar sewers remain infested! The idea behind this is to have DEEP dungeons which you can return to when you have grown stronger. We want a mix of players across the map, not static "low-level" vs "high-level" areas. The challenge here is to find a balance where new waves of enemies doesn't feel punishing if they are above your level or skill hence finding ways to make retreat an action of consideration and easier to assess. We already have some solid ideas on how to achieve this.

Since we are fans of quick iteration and fixes, we've tried to address all of your feedback with recurring patches. A lot of tweaks & fixes have been done already during the test, but some issues will require more time and careful balancing e.g. fame bonuses & health pools.

As always, gathering this feedback is super valuable to us and keeping a close relationship with you, the players, is what is going to make Unyha special in the end.

Stay tuned for next playtest announcing shortly!