New Art Direction & Nordic Game Conference<!-- --> | Unyha


New Art Direction & Nordic Game Conference

May 21, 2024

New Art Direction & Nordic Game Conference

Hey peeps!

Unyha is now a medieval GOTH Autochronicle Online RPG. We found the goth art direction to spice up the concept and align perfectly with autochronicle as well as the style and attitude of what we want Unyha to be.

Gameplay Trailer

For this, we've kicked up this brand new website, with a gameplay teaser trailer and a lore video.

We are also attending the Nordic Games Conference to network, look for partners and collaborators as well as celebrate/kickoff of the new push.

In the following weeks, we are focusing on setting up the playtesting flow via steam so we can invite more players to Unyha and start getting into regular consistent open testing phases.